Best Schools In India
How It Works

Search by City / Area
Find the best schools near you. Schools by board, city, and facilities. Choose the best residential / day schools in India.

Choose a School
Explore the best school in your city and make your school search journey smooth.

Know about the schools
You can find the complete school profile, ratings, reviews, contact details, and directions.

Enquire for an Admission
Using this feature, you can directly contact the school, submit your application and get to know your admission status.
We've done the complex task for you, so you don't have to! We have profiled and mapped every private school and nursery in India. So everything you re looking for, including fees, curriculum choices, and location is considered in creating an unbiased shortlist for all the schools and nurseries that match your search. In 60 seconds, the MCB K12Admissions platform will do all the school search tasks for you, saving you time and effort. So now let's get searching!
Why K12Admissions

For Parents :
Tell us where you are, and we'll help you guide best schools for your child is a one-stop solution connecting parents to schools, making school selection easy for parents. Simply search, empower and connect with schools through MCB’s K12Admissions. In addition, we are accessible to our users on the move via the K12Admissions mobile site. Here we assist the parents in making the right choice by guiding them through a systematic process.

For Schools :
Expand Your School Potential Using Our K12Admission Portal
Are You Worried about your admission process? Now no more hassle for admission. Upgrade your school by enlisting our K12Admission portal (Free). is a platform to portray your school's strengths and be visible to prospective parents. Want visibility for your school? Enlist your school on and be noticed in the prospective parents' eyes. Enlisted schools can highlight the school facilities and make them stand out! You will now be able to receive admission inquiries directly on your school ERP. Manage the school's exhaustive admissions process on a single reliable platform.
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Ready to Get Started?
Find everything you need to know about the admissions process and enrollment at K12Admission portal and apply today.
Our dedicated team would love to answer all your concerns about the features, pricing, or current trends in the education industry.

Our Roots
My Classboard:
MCB is India's most widely used School Management Software. MyClassboard powers 8,00,000+ students in over 1200 leading schools across 120 cities throughout India. We provide multiple facilities to perform all day-to-day activities for the school, making them fast, effortless, efficient, and accurate. In addition, MCB's exclusive ERP modules cover all aspects of the administration.